Graco’s latest generation of HVLP sprayers was developed with only 1 objective in mind: MAKE IT EASY. HVLP spraying possible for everyone, the full professional, as well as the first time user. “Plug & Spray” we call it. Unpack your unit, fill your material cup, plug the unit and spray! To make it that EASY, we needed breakthrough solutions! The HVLP TurboForce sprayers have all the answers.


ПреимуществаДокументацияТехнические характеристикиВидеоМатериалы и РынкиВ комплекте

  • Portable turbine as there is always a fine finish job to do. Outstanding finish quality and excellent spraying control.
  • TurboForce™ power to seriously reduce material preparation time and cost.
  • TurboForce™ technology. Save on your electricity bill! Most efficient conversion rate from electrical power to air flow thanks to TurboForce™ technology. Automatic EDGE™ gun that adjusts all the controls by itself and for the way you want to spray.


Воздух характеристики
Максимальное рабочее давление воздуха 0.5 Бар
Напряжение питания
Требования к питанию 200 Вт
Уровень звукового давления 82 дБ (А)
уровень звуковй энергии 95 дБ (А)
Полный вес 12.7 кг
Максимальная длина шланга 40 Метр
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        • Graco’s HVLP TurboForce turbines can be used on a daily basis. They were especially developed for the on-site contractor who sprays doors, trims, stair cases, small renovation jobs, fences, etc. Ideal for detailed and controlled fine finish applications. For flawless spraying of dyes, inks, stains, epoxies, lacquers, varnishes, stains and multicolour.
        • Автомобильные
        • Красители
        • Эмали
        • Лаки
        • Пятна
        • Лаки
        • Прозрачные грунтовки
