Totally new, the LineLazer IV 250 SPS is now the most powerful striper in the Graco range. Yet, amazingly simple to operate. This new stand in the striping world includes the new evolution in SmartControl that lets you operate the unit in manual mode, automatic mode or even AutoLayout mode. With its totally new plateform concept, this new self-propelled machine is so compact, that it can fit in a standard transporter van. Ideal for inner city work and airports.
ПреимуществаДокументацияТехнические характеристикиВидеоМатериалы и РынкиВ комплекте

  • Most compact self-propelled system available. Easiest to transport and set-up on the job. Riding on the job at 16 km/h, complete the work in half the time.
  • The most powerful LineLazer available. Handles more guns with bigger tips to tackle new and bigger contract. Work longer without refills. Save time.
  • The most instinctive machine to pilot. With 2 hands only, just like a bike. Fully automated so complete attention is focused on striping.
Жидкость характеристики
Максимальное давление материала  230 Бар
Максимальный расход материала  9.5 литров в минуту
Диаметр сопла,макс,один распылитель  0,039 дюйм
Напряжение питания
Двигатель Мощность  6.3 киловатт
Длина  187 см
Ширина  84 см
Высота  120 см
Полный вес  285 кг
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